Larry Ferstenou

     When it comes to retiring young, Larry Ferstenou has done more than talk.  He left the full-time workforce at age 42 and has been enjoying the freedom of not having to work for ten years.  But not only did Larry and his wife Kris (who was 40 at the time) retire young, they did it without any lottery wins, inheritances, million-dollar stock options, or employer-funded pensions.  In fact, their combined after-tax income over the course of their careers averaged only $47,300 per year including interest, dividends, and capital gains—yet, they retired in 18 years.

     In order to quit working in their early 40s without any windfalls or pensions, Larry and Kris had to figure out the “3 Keys” to retiring young and then prove they work—and that’s what they did.  Now, after ten terrific years of early retirement, Larry has written You CAN Retire Young! to share the time-tested, practical strategies that will make it possible for others to also retire young without being rich. 

     Larry grew up in north-central Wisconsin where he earned a B.S. degree in psychology from the University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire, followed by an M.S. degree in vocational rehabilitation/evaluation from the University of Wisconsin—Stout.  A 17-year career in the field of vocational rehabilitation, and an unexpected family death, were central to forming Larry’s philosophy on retiring as young as possible.  The author grew up in Wisconsin, and has since lived in Kansas, California, and Utah.

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Posted 02/2003.Updated 03/2005.

Books by Larry Ferstenou:



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